Shipping Update: Final Leg

Shipping Update: Final Leg

Hey Everyone,

Ray here with another shipping update as we head into the final leg of fulfillment. 

Here's where we're at:

UNITED STATES - All orders have been shipped out, save for those that filled out their surveys late. Shipped orders have been marked in Backerkit - if your order is marked SHIPPED and you have an issue with your order, please send us an email: If it is marked as READY TO SHIP we are working on shipping them out.

UNITED KINGDOM - All orders have been shipped out, save for those that filled out their surveys late. Shipped orders have been marked in Backerkit - if your order is marked SHIPPED and you have an issue with your order, please send us an email: If it is marked as READY TO SHIP we are working on shipping them out.

AUSTRALIA/NZ - All orders have been shipped out, save for those that filled out their surveys late. Shipped orders have been marked in Backerkit - if your order is marked SHIPPED and you have an issue with your order, please send us an email: If it is marked as READY TO SHIP we are working on shipping them out.

EUROPE - All order information has been sent to FFE, and they are wrapping up orders this week and next. As far as I understand it, FFE is sending out tracking numbers. European backers, if you have not received your package, please give it another two weeks before thinking it's gone missing. They're still working through sending out the packages and should be done by the end of next week. If your order is marked as SHIPPED on BackerKit, that means we've processed your order information and it should be on the way. 

REST OF WORLD / ASIA  - FFEwill be sending out these orders as well, and we will be pushing them out shortly. Once your order is marked SHIPPED on BackerKit it means we've sent the data to FFE and you should be receiving your order in a couple of weeks.

CANADA - Composed Dreams received their pallet yesterday 08/19. Unfortunately, there was a logistical mishap and  Wildsea: Storm & Root Standards was left off this shipment. 

I'm so sorry, Canadians. I know you've been waiting forever, and this one's totally on me. If your package has Storm & Root Standard it's going to be a few more weeks (about two - three: we're configuring the freight now and it usually takes 10 business days) as we send another truck over.  We will be sending out the packages without SAR Standard first. 


Thanks for your patience everyone! We're almost there. Again, if you need to reach us, you can do so through here, Discord on the Wildsea Server, and at Thanks a bunch - I'll write again when the final Canadian freight arrives.


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