Glow - Progress Update

Glow - Progress Update

Here's  an update on where we're at with Glow.

Glow: Book 1 Hardcover

Specs are 8x11'' 3 Piece Clothbound / 160 Sides Interior with End Sheets. I am actively trying to level up my mockup game.


As part of that process, we also went back and relettered some of the pages; specifically, Myra's dialogue:

Myra: Now in Black and White!
Chibi Vinyl Toys



With one point of articulation! Hopefully standing around 6.5" with a 3" diameter base.


Mythopoeia Originals

It's with a mix of pride and a tinge of sadness that we are announcing that as of Issue #5, artists Anny Maulina and Dia Ja have both officially moved on from Glow. 

Anny and Dia shaped the world of Glow to what it is today.

Both Anny and Dia are now busy with other commitments: Anny is the artist for the official Zero Horizon Dawn comic and Dia is a full time background artist for Nickelodeon Animation. We're so proud of them for their continued growth as artists and people. 

It's definitely a little bittersweet, but we knew this day would eventually come. We're happy to have been a small part of their journeys and this is not goodbye forever! We're still in touch with both of them and plan on collaborating on different projects on the future - in fact, we're already working on one of those behind the scenes now. Hopefully we can announce that one soon! 
Introducing: Vinsensius Suriantoso and Zie Fauci
In developing Glow, we always envisioned a scalable studio system that can could support multiple artists in service of a single vision. With that said, I'd like to introduce our two artists for Issues #5-6...​


Some of Vinse's work on Glow #5.


Vinsensius Suriantoo previously helped us develop our upcoming dog fairy tale Sansha and Blanco. He's a monster of perspective and warm expressions. We're honored to have him work on Glow.


One of Zie's panels from Glow #6.


Zie Fauzi is a man with many talents, one of which is toy design! In fact, he actually designed the chibi vinyls above. We saw a lot of potential in Zie's portfolio and so far through about twenty pages of sequentials he's just gotten better and better. 
Introducing: Arief Russanto​


We're  also super excited to introduce concept artist Arief Russanto to the team! 


Arief has been helping us flesh out maps of the world and Arkadis, the next major location of the story. He's a talented sequential artist in his own right and will for sure be contributing on that end for Glow in the future. For now, check out his sweet maps which are currently being colored! 


So here's where we're at with the next few issues:

    • Issue #5 is completely inked, ready to be colored.
    • Issue #6 has one last sequence to be inked, about 6 pages
    • Issue #7 is completely written with the first 4 pages being worked on this month.
    • Issue #8 is still being drafted, about 60% done with the first draft. 

Our plan going forward with Glow is to release a campaign every two issues instead of every issue going forward. My personal goal is to have up to issue #12 written by the end of the year. Two months to go - we'll see what happens! 

For the Glow: Book 1 Kickstarter, we are still tentatively planning on launching sometime in November, but our timeframe is narrowly shrinking. An opportunity to publish another project, The Wildsea, came up in September, and was time-sensitive. I've been building out both Kickstarters including the campaign design, merch, and production for both, but honestly I don't know if I'm going to make it. It's a lot of work and I'm grinding everyday but there's still so many things that have to be done. 

If, for any reason, Glow Book 1 is delayed, we'll probably launch the campaign in January of the new year. We'll still be continuing the work behind the scenes with manufacturing and merch, so it's sort of a matter of how much of the public facing stuff we want done before launching. Gut says more rather than less. 

Vinny Two Barrels
​Finally, I want to let everyone know that Vince is currently taking a sabbatical from the company due to his health. He's burned out and his well-being is suffering as a result. He's going to take at least the rest of the year on the sidelines of Mythopoeia to get better. Please, if you can, send good vibes his way. 

2020 has been really hard. Hopefully the worst is behind us. Fingers crossed. 

- Ray 
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