October: Wrapping up Storm & Root, Chief People Person, and PICO Playtest Release!

October: Wrapping up Storm & Root, Chief People Person, and PICO Playtest Release!

Hey Everyone,

Ray here with your post-campaign update! 

Last Call! 

At this point we've sent out the vast majority of rewards. If you still have not received your reward or have some other issue, please email us at: support@myth.works or DM us on this account. 

I promise you we do monitor everything and do our best to reply to messages. It's sometimes been challenging as for the past ten years, Mythworks comprised of just Vince and I, except for the occasional part-time intern. We've gotten better at it in fits and spurts, but the last month has been very smooth. That's thanks to a major change we made behind the scenes: 

Ric Heise - Chief People Person!

I'm really excited to announce today that Mythworks has made our first full-time hire, and that he comes directly from the deepest roots of The Wildsea. Ric Heise was/is the chief of playtesting for The Wildsea, especially during our original campaign, having run dozens if not hundreds of games on the Wildsea Discord. 

Ric, in the middle of a normal workday

I met Ric in person at our first Gen Con in 2021, and it's  in person that Ric's passion comes through. He loves talking, thinking, playing, and designing games. His enthusiasm for RPG - especially the Wildsea - is unbounded. I've genuinely never seen someone like Ric, who gets so much energy from giving it to others. It's why his title at Mythworks is Chief People Person (he picked it himself). 

You might recognize him from the back of the Wildsea books, too! 

As Chief People Person, Ric is the first point of contact for anyone who reaches out to Mythworks. And because he's already bossing the role, Ric is also very quickly helping us manage the freight end of the work as well as growing our convention presence in the Midwest. 

Wildsailors, give a hearty hello to Ric Heise! 

PICO Playtest Release - It's Here, Now!

Hello there people, Felix here!

You may have heard some rumblings about PICO behind the scenes, a new Wild Words game built from the same rules that underpin the Wildsea, but decidedly more buggish in scope. Well, if you've ever been tempted to create a tiny bug and go on adventures with your similarly insectile friends, have I got a game for you! 

See? It's a real game! 

PICO is a little less serious than the Wildsea, taking more inspiration from Pratchett-esque fiction and Ghibli-ish wonder than its big, leafy cousin. It also, as you might have guessed, takes a chunk of inspiration from Hollow Knight - because yes, I'm waiting (im)patiently for Silksong as well. 

But at heart it's still a true Wild Words experience - a band of misfits exploring a huge, weird world, likely with a vessel to ride on (though in this case it's more likely to be a cat than a ship). The art is pretty damn good too!

Page art by Zkarab, and page mechanics... Well, they'll likely be pretty familiar to you Wildsea folks. 

I could tell you more about it here, but I'd rather show you this - a link to the full 99 page playtest of PICO (and to a suite of pre-generated characters for you to use bundled with it). 

And if you like what you see, you can click this other link to get notified when it goes live on kickstarter - which will, hopefully, be surprisingly soon. 

One of the first bits of art I got from Zkarab for PICO, and still one of my favourite creatures

It's not quite finished yet, as you might expect - there's still a couple of months of work that need to go into it on my end, and a lot of playtesting to do. But it's bold, it's bright, it's weird as all hell, and it has more bugs than you can shake a metaphorical stick at. What's not to love? 

Speaking of playtesting, if you'd play a session of Pico, please give us playtest feedback by filling out the form here! 

You'll be credited in the final book  and would be helping us out heaps! - Ray

Hey, I recognize some of these rules! 
Pre-Gen Character Sheet, featuring the adorable DUNF


For the creative types, two of our most esteemed community Wildsailors (LadyTabletop and MrFishy) are running a halloween-themed Wildsea Jam over on itch.io! I'm a sucker for well-created community content, and over the years a few of the community content writers have actually had their best pieces elevated to 'in book' status - and been paid for it as well! 

So if you feel particularly glutted with ideas this season, you know where to go! 

FOX AND SHADOW - Other People Make Cool Stuff Too! 

Longtime Wildsea fans may remember Leo Cheung, of Paper Cactus Games - they helped put the original Wildsea layout together many years ago, and also did the backgrounds for every bit of printed Wildsea you've seen! 

Well they've been cooking up a new thing of their own, this time in the realm of video games...

I would kill for these artistic skills. 

Fox and Shadow is... Well, I'll let Leo tell you himself. 

"Fox and Shadow is a dual deckbuilding roguelike set in a scifiworld where people are isolated and only connect with the world through metalic shells.

Scavenge for resources in a broken city to maintain your crumbling bunker. Create a deck that combines your pilot's emitons and your drones logic to destroy defective robots for parts.

The world is in ruins. Salvage yourself."

As you can see, Leo puts a pretty good foot forward when it comes to his craft. So if you like us, and you liem supporting the people that have helped make us who we are, and you ALSO like videogames... Well, I'll let you guess what to do.

Outro - I'm saying goodbye now!

So there you have it, wildsailors - new people, new books, good shipping reports and videogames.

Oh, and just a little note at the end here...

Work on the third Wildsea book is going very, very well. More news soon!

Felix, out! 

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